Old News
JULY 2011 | Breakfast debate: Kreab Gavin Anderson
06/07/2011 Last 6th of June, 2011, a breakfast discussion took place on "Innovation and efficiency in water management" at 9.30 am at the offices of Kreab Gavin Anderson in Madrid (Capitán Haya 38, 8th floor, left.).
The meeting, chaired by Eugenio Martínez Barrio, MP Kreab Gavin Anderson Iberia, was attended by Sara Acosta Langa, editor of Cinco Días.
At breakfast attended:
- Marta Moren Abat, General Director of Water (MARM).
- ACCIONA, Manuel Navarro, Director of Services, O&M and Desalination.
- AEAS, Roque Gistau, President.
- GIAHSA, Miguel Novoa, President.
- PROFESSIONAL WATER & PARTNERS, Juan Pablo Lopez Heras, Partner - Director of Development and Jesus F. Cabrero Martin, Partner - Director of Engineering
- VALORIZA AGUA, Angel Bracho, Director of Concessions.
- WATSON FARLEY & WILLIAMS, Joaquin Sales, Partner.
JUNE 2011 | Effiwater signes a collaboration agreement with the EOI
Dated on the 21st of June 2011, with the intention to provide opportunities to young students in order to develop a successful career full of opportunities, Effiwater has signed a collaboration agreement with the EOI (Escuela de Organización Industrial) to offer internships for Junior students who have recently finished the lective hours of a Master’s degree for graduate students in the EOI. The students that can apply are students with a bachelor degree who have reach satisfactory any of the following Master’s degrees:
- Global MBA.
- Full time MBA specialized in Industry, Energy and Environment, Marketing or Finance.
- Master’s Degree in Quality and Business Excellence.
- Master’s Degree in Engineering and Environmental Management.
- Master’s Degree in Engineering and Water Management.
- Master’s Degree in Renewable Energy and Energy Market.
JUNE 2011 | Collaboration agreement between professional Water & Partners and Kreab Gavin Anderson
Dated on the 13th of June 2011, an agreement between PW&P and Kreab Gavin Anderson www.kreabgavinanderson.com has been signed, for which PW & P and its affiliated companies are willing to incorporate into their services offered the activities of corporate communication, financial communication and public affairs, intended mainly for those public or private companies and municipal corporations that require it, in the context of the services that PW&P and Effiwater provide, counseling of public positioning, dealing with the media, specific campaigns, etc.
As an initial collaboration of the alliance, a breakfast will be hold at the office of Gavin Anderson Kreab next June 27 with companies from the sector, with the issue "The future of water management: efficiency and sustainability" with the participation of EFFIWATER, ACCIONA, CANAL DE ISABEL II, AGBAR FLUIDRA, WATSON, FARLEY & WILLIAMS, SATEC and SANTANDER.